Thursday, December 25, 2008

Welcome to Heart and Home

It's Christmas Day--one of most fav-o-rite days of the year. For an old guy it brings back memories of friends and places from all over.

On this blog I will be talking about books I've read...weird ideas that come into my head--and things that concern me deeply--like how to do my little part to make the human family what God intended.

My favorite quote is from Frederick Buechner: "To lend a hand when we are falling, perhaps that's the only thing that matters in the end."

If we can all find ways to do lend that hand I think Christmas will last a whole longer than a day.


  1. Thanks for the tip Roger, I'll be sure to keep your blog on my "must read" list!

  2. Way to go RevLovette. I really look forward to seeing where you're headed with this.

    Merry Christmas
