Wiesel, Holocaust survivor has said that the word, illegal is the first step to the gas
chambers. He is right. If we can demonize another—put emotional distance
between us and them—we can see them as objects and not subjects. But it seems to me that we ought to drop
the ‘I-word’ on a whole cadre of issues today. Demonization is not limited to
Funny how politicians use the ‘I’ word all
the time while discussing bones of contention. To Gay rights they say: We have
to defend our marriages. What will happen to our families if we give in on this
issue? Those keeping an anxious pulse on their constituencies—scared of losing
the 2014 elections—are using the ‘I’ word more and more. And if they aren’t
using this word—it is just beneath the surface of all their protestations. Sadly they are wise enough to know where
their bread is buttered—like a mirror they simply reflect their constituency. Most of us are pretty wedded to I and me and
Point in any direction and it looks like the
'I's" have it. What could be more appalling than those parents from
Newtown, their grief fresh from December as if it were yesterday listening to
our leaders in Washington? These parents and relatives must be dumbfounded. What
do they hear? Nobody can take our guns away. We can’t make any ruling on
guns—we need our guns—even at church, even at football games, even in
dormitories. Guns don’t kill people—people do.
Many scream
against Obamacare (I hate this word) because it will hurt our interests. Why our policy rates are
going to go up. What about all those 45 million plus who have no health care
whatsoever? Never a word is said about them. In South Carolina our state has refused the federal government’s aid that health care would provide for those 389,000
not covered in our state. Nobody mentions these—we just hear worries about how
the state cannot afford to pick up the 20% we will have to begin to pay in
three years.
In just
about every issue we bump into the I word. Take taxes to the stalled economy
that the politicians keep blocking. They keep saying us and our. What about the
common good—us and not just I. On our recent river cruise in France we ate
dinner with a couple from Canada. He was a fine lawyer and talked about how
everyone in Canada had health care and wondered why, with so many religious
people in this country, there was not more concern from the churches about all
these people not covered by insurance. It was a question we could not answer
except to say you can be religious and selfish at the same time. We have
forgotten that Jesus said that we save our lives when we lose our lives.
the pronouns. The I’s are everywhere. There are so many wonderful things about
our country—but we still have a hard time with this liberty and justice for
all. Maybe we ought to change the words to read: liberty and justice for me and
mine. We still have a lot of work to do. Developmentally
as infants we all begin with this wonderful discovery of who we are. Our hands,
our voices, our hungers. The lesson of identity is primary. But to stay at this
elemental level is to cut ourselves off from the wonders of the myriad of
relationships that God intended for us all. The opening chapters in the Bible
say: “It is not good for man to be alone.”
Parham, Director of the Center of Ethics is on to something by shining the
spotlight on this little word, I. Under the spotlight, with all the
problems around us, the word shrivels in size even more.
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