"They were human, they suffered, wore long black coat and gold watch chain.
They stare from daguerreotype with severe reprehension,
Or from genuine oil, and you'd never guess any pain
In those merciless eyes that now remark our own time's sad declension."
--Robert Penn Warren, "Founding Fathers, Nineteenth-Century Style, Southeast U.S.A."
Recently a woman asked a man, “Are you a Christian?” He
said, “Yes, I am an American.” A couple of years ago a student at the
University of California raised her hand in the middle of a seminar the
Professor was teaching on the first century of Rome and the dawn of the
Christian era. She seemed genuinely disturbed. “I know you’re all going to
think this is crazy, but I always thought Jesus was an American.” There seems
to be a misunderstanding in many quarters of our country about the difference
between faith and country.
You can be an American and be a Christian. You can be a
Christian and be an American. But I am not at all sure that you can fuse the
two categories. There is a line drawn between church and state.
Ever wonder why American and Christian are not synonymous?
This national holiday weekend gives us a good opportunity to ask this question:
What’s wrong with blending church and state? Jesus once said that we were to
render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are
God’s. We have obligations to Caesar and God but they are not the same
Dissenters in England were forced to draw a hard line
between Caesar and Christ. These dissenters were born at a time of great
adversity. James I was the King of England. At that time England was fragmented
into many religious factions. He solved the problem by forcing uniformity in
all things religious. If they wanted to pray they were to use the prescribed
prayer book. If they wanted to worship there was a set order to be followed. If
they wanted to be a loyal member of the state then they would attend the Church
of England. James I was followed by Charles I, who believed in the divine right
of kings and bishops. In fact the words kings and bishops could be used
Needless to say this did not set well with the King or his
religious minions. Many were driven out of town, some lost their lives, and
others lost their income. So a group of them in search of religious freedom
found their way to the new land called America. But already the Church of
England in certain quarters of the new colonies already had a stronghold on
religion in the new land. Dissenters were dragged into court, their homes and
belongings were searched. Many were thrown into prison. In those early days in
Massachusetts and Virginia and other colonies our history record oppression and
persecution simply because people wanted to worship as they saw fit. And so
slowly but firmly this phrase separation of church and state found its way into
the Constitution of the new land. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”Interestingly enough,
many of those early dissenters championed freedom not only for themselves but
they granted religious freedom to all persons.
What would those early champions of religious liberty say
about judges, presidential candidates and other elected officials having to
subscribe to some religious litmus test of someone else’s choosing? What would
our forebears say to those who would propose the legislature in any state writing
prayers to be used in public school classrooms? This is not the business of the
God never has been a taboo subject in this country. No
group, including the Supreme Court can hound God out of any classroom. Someone
asked President Harry Truman once about his faith. He barked back, “I am not a
religious man. Mrs. Truman takes care of that.” But Mr. Truman was a person of
faith. He grew up going to Sunday school, was grounded in Biblical knowledge
and did some public praying while he was in office without fanfare. But he
despised the idea that religion could be used for political purposes.
On this weekend when we think of our beginnings as a
country—let us remember Jesus’ words to render unto Caesar the things that are
Caesars but not the things that are God’s. The State can ask too much and that
is why our forebears hammered out a new way that no other country had seen: to
be an American does not necessarily mean to be a Christian. And to be a
Christian you certainly do not have to be an American.
(This article appeared in The Greenville News (SC) Op Ed section, Sunday June 30, 2013)
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