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photo by Hillel Steinberg / flickr |
Looks like the Pro-sorta-Life people are on the march. Alabama just passed a law that would outlaw abortion except to save the life of the mother. No exceptions even for rape or incest. Several other states have recently passed the “heart beat bill”prohibiting abortion after six weeks. Of course mostly males have passed these bills—except maybe Alabama whose Governor happens to be a woman. Some of these same folks are intent on banning birth control. Which is flat out crazy when you think of it. Whatever happened to “lesser government” interfering with our lives.
Of course abortion is one of the hardest issues of our time. Abortion should should never simply be used as a birth control procedure. Life is precious. All life. But there a multitude of reasons why a woman personally struggles with abortion. I often think that the saddest day for many women is Mother’s Day. They had an abortion and many live with a sadness over what they felt they had to do. Hardly any woman is forced to have an abortion. So those women who feel like this is wrong should simply not have an abortion. And victims of rape and those incest victims—should not have to bear the children for a pregnancy that was not their fault. Imagine a ten year old girl having to be forced to have a baby.
Strange these pro-sorta-life-folk do not raised their voices when aging grandmothers, raising three grandchild as best she can—should have their food stamps cut off because she does not have as job. Or those disabled who are told they must work or their food stamps would be no more. Or those pious folk who want to do away with the school breakfast and lunch programs for kids that are poor and hungry. Or take frightened citizens of illegals that they never raise their voices when children are ripped from parents’ arms and some never will see their children again. My God—what kind of a people are we?
We’re not talking Republican or Democrat. We’re talking common sense and human decency. Wonder what Jesus would say about some of these laws states are passing today?
I have a email-friend. We’ve never met. But we both grew up as cotton-mill boys. We both lived in little houses owned by the mill. And we both spent some time working in cotton mills. This friend is a mighty fine writer. And he has a good head on his shoulders and a mighty big heart. I want to share with you what he sent me the other day. For me it captures the dilemma of the abortion issue perfectly.
Here it is. Thanks J L Strickland.
"I’m beginning to think Alabama’s legislature is the political equivalent of the Special Olympics.
This abortion law is nothing but cruel and inhumane to the nth degree. Who- are- these- people- we- have- elected?
It’s the no allowance for rape or incest that bothers me. I wonder what they’d think if their wife were impregnated by a rapist, or their daughter by a perverted uncle?
Those clowns explaining their position on this embarrassment to the state are an embarrassment to themselves.
I agree with the notion that abortion is a tragedy. But, forcing a woman to have an unwanted baby is the real tragedy. Sometimes, it’s necessary, like it not.
And though it’s a big surprise to some folks, some things are simply none of their business.
Besides, with all the modern birth-control methods available, there’s no reason for anybody to get pregnant.
The problem is, the hard-core anti-abortion folks are against birth-control, too. I.E., their opposition to Planned Parenthood.
I have acquaintances who will drive 500 miles of a Saturday morning to picket or protest an abortion clinic or birth-control center.
Alabama is my home, too. My ancestors came over the border before Alabama was a state. There’s no where else I had rather live and I’ve had chances to move.
However, the mass lunacy that has gripped Alabama, starting in the Wallace era, is beginning to bother me.
But, none of this is really surprising. I’ve long recognized the area below the Mason-Dixon is bat-shit crazy – a large open-air looney bin. Starting the Civil War proved we were a bunch of mouth-breathing nitwits.
Of course, as in most things, the rules are different for the rich and po’ folks.
A lady friend of mine was a R.N. scrub nurse at the local hospital, Lanier Memorial. Meaning she assisted the surgeons in operations. But, you knew that. She was a mill-village girl who got a scholarship to that four-year nursing school in B’ham. She made the most of it.
She told me years ago, when abortion was still greatly illegal, that the rich folks across the river and the daughters of mill brass could get an abortion on demand. Since she was on call for emergency operations, she knew whereof she spoke.
How it worked was, a knocked-up big shot’s teen-age daughter or wife who didn’t want any more children, would be admitted to the hospital for an emergency DNC, female trouble.
This always happened on a Sunday afternoon, which tells me it was a worked-out, planned remedy to their situation. They got a safe abortion, performed by skilled, trained medical personnel, under the guise of something else.
It was an abortion, pure and simple. The hospital told her to keep her mouth shut. And since they had paid for her scholarship, and room and board in B’ham, she did.
Rich girls got specialized treatment while females from the working-class had to carry their unwanted baby to term, or deal with a butcher with a coat-hanger.
And risk dying from loss of blood or an infection.
Which, I guess, is what the Montgomery dimwits want to bring back again. In their foolish eyes, folks who don’t agree with their warped religious beliefs are beneath contempt.
And contempt is what they are showing for Alabama females. Too bad they aren’t as concerned with deprived children already born and living in poverty, neglect and want.
T’was ever thus. We are sailing on a ship of fools…
I don’t deny being a Methodist back-slider, but the quotes “Judge ye not” and “Love ye one another” come to mind.
Though the state legislature would no doubt deny my right to quote them. Being as I’m not anointed like they are.
God doesn’t love me like he does the Montgomery vagina vigilantes."
—Roger Lovette / rogerlovette.blgospot.com
Loved that last sentence finish...