Sunday, November 7, 2021

It's All Saints Day--Who's in your Window?

                                                 Endurance Window - Princeton University Chapel

"For all the saints who from their labors rest, Who Thee by faith before the world confessed, Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia!"

On this All Saints Day I remember a stained glass window. I saw it in the Princeton University Chapel. That magnificent gothic structure is surrounded by wonderful stained glass that tell the Biblical story.

I spent many summers at Princeton Theological Seminary. With time off  I would wander into the University Chapel. But one particular day I came in and sat close to the Altar. No one was no one there but me. I looked to my left and saw what was called the Great North Window. Jesus dominated much of the center part of that window. But underneath that rendering of Jesus was another large figure: St. Michael with a sword in his hand. Ever ready to slay the dragons.

Around those two figures there were many who has stood strong despite impossible circumstances. They were called saints. The lower part of the window showed other historical names and faces with the word inscribed: Perseverance. Underneath it all were the words: “He that endureth to the end shall be saved.” Almost every summer after that I would go into that chapel and sit in that same pew and ponder the glittering colored glass that surrounded Jesus. 

But I found myself not only seeing the figures of the saints. But I began to think of those along the way that helped keep me going. Many would laugh themselves silly if anybody called them a saint. But they were and they are. For living or dead they are still in my window. They always brought some word, some hug, some letter or some call from across the miles. None of them were particularly pious but they always brought with them a breath of fresh air.

As I look at those in my endurance window they all made me feel good just to be around them. Sometimes they stretched me in ways that surprised. They were all bonafide human beings with clay feet and hangups of their own. Many of them had carried heavy loads. But this did not stop them from making their worlds good and bad a better place because they were there.

Someone asked a little boy at Sunday school what he thought a saint was. He said, A saint is someone who lets the light shine through. And I think he was right. 

Look up at your own window. Who do you find? They were some who really did let the light shine on you. Maybe there was a time when you thought you couldn’t make it but they came again and again. Just enough light! Just enough light!

I will remember this day and some who were saints to me. Helping, loving, caring and never giving up on me and a whole lot of others. Isn’t that what a saint is supposed to be. And guess what? There was not a halo in the whole bunch.

photo courtesy of Jean Christophe Bleuquart /flikr

"And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph song, 
And  hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia! Alleluia!"

--Roger Lovette /

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful article, Roger! You are definitely a large figure in MY window!
