Saturday, December 18, 2021

My Christmas Surprise--Advent IV


Everybody has a Christmas story. There is something about this season that stirs memories and sends us back to other times and other places. The McKenzies were my neighbors.They lived across the street from our house in a tumble down house that needed  lot of work. They were only renting but this was their home. They loved it and tried to fix it up. The task was just too much. They had four children-stair steps. Mr. McKenzie worked in a mill six hard days a week. His wife stayed home with the children. They lived from paycheck to paycheck. And then tragedy struck. Mr.McKenzie broke his leg. And it was so serious the Doctor said it is a miracle they didn't have to amputate. He he would he laid up for months. I had no idea how they would live but the church was good and somehow they got by. 

Christmas was coming and our little church tried to help them with their Christmas. This home would have only a little Christmas. The Father was disabled and his paycheck stopped. 

We visited them occasionally and became friends. So Christmas Day was coming fast. And so Christmas Eve some of us gathered a huge basket and put not only food for Christmas but for days to come. After it was dark on Christmas Eve we sneaked over and left the basket at their door.

Christmas morning there was a knock on our door. I opened it and Mr. McKenzie on crutches was standing there smiling. He said somebody left a great basket of fruit and other things and we want to share our Christmas box with you.  And his wife handed us a huge sack of some of the items we had out on their porch the night before. They said Merry Christmas, turned and left. 

I stood there with my wife not knowing what to say. This couple with so little shared part of their Christmas with us. Isn’t this what Christmas is all about? We share with what we have with someone who need. We pass it on.

I’ve thought a lot about this stormy time in which we live. The anger and lies and greed and the lack of common decency makes it hard to celebrate this holy season. But Jesus said:“Inasmuch as you do this to the least of these…you do it to me.” 

Looking back to that Christmas long ago I think as that man hobbled back to his house on his crutches. Maybe I was unaware of the face of Jesus that cold Christmas morning but who knows? On that special day he may have been at our house after all. 

This must have been say, 50 years ago. But a funny thing sitting here, wondering what to say in this piece I remember that long-ago morning and I am glad.

--photo by runran / flikr

--Roger Lovette /

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